Crea tu tienda online y aprovecha la temporada alta del mercado online

2020 has been a year to forget for many sectors, however, it has not been for online businesses. Creating your online store is not only the best way to secure a part of your activity for what may come, but it is also the best idea for those who want to take advantage of the crest of the wave and join a rising market.

Businesses prepared to survive a quarantine

For many businesses this year is being a complete odyssey. This is the case of many hospitality businesses, not to mention businesses related to nightlife. However, other sectors have noticed little or nothing of the economic recession caused by the pandemic and even some sectors have grown, and a lot. This is the case of businesses that depend on the online market such as Google, which has increased its value on the stock market by 26% in relation to the figures of November last year or Amazon, which has increased its price by 66% in the same period and can close the year doubling the price it presented in March 2020.

We are used to hearing about the high season of the hotel industry but not of other sectors that also have a peak moment. Online businesses have a high season that coincides with the low season of the hotel industry. Autumn and winter are the best times for online businesses and it is also the best time to create your online store and launch your products to the market. We analyze why it happens this way.

Crear Tu Tienda Online

The best time for online business

The reason that winter is the best time for online business has to do with the time we spend in our home. The cold forces us to spend more time at home and therefore, consume the internet more regularly. With the quarantine, the businesses that decided to create their online store were the only ones that could save a part of their activity from the economic stoppage.

Also in Winter we have a series of key moments that encourage the activation of trade:

  • Halloween – November 31
  • Black Friday – Friday, November 27
  • Christmas – December 24
  • New Year – January 1
  • Three Kings – January 6
  • Valentine’s Day – February 14

The first steps in the online market

Getting started in the online sector on your own is a very positive thing. However, agencies specialized in online marketing, such as Closemarketing, work on the creation and development of pages like yours. Once we have the website, our maintenance service allows you to benefit from the tools of SEO and SEM to better position your page in search engines and obtain conversions (sales, subscriptions, fill out a form, etc.).

By creating your online store with an agency like Closemarketing you can save time and money in the development of it.

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Sacra Jáimez

Especialista en la creación de estrategias de marketing adaptadas a cada cliente. Identifica las necesidades de los clientes y las traduce en acciones para alcanzar sus metas.

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